For the second time, people from all over the world are meeting at a conference specially organized for Bitcoin. After Prague was the venue last year, this time you will be in London from September 15 to 16, 2012 to discuss, exchange ideas and learn new things. As last year, top-class speakers could also be won for the upcoming conference, who would like to shed light on the digital means of payment Bitcoin from all sides in their lectures.
Bitcoin today and tomorrow – topics and speakers
Already 16 Speakers could be won for the Bitcoin conference. Some of them were already represented last year, such as Stefan Thomas (WeUseCoins) and Jim Burton, the lead developer of MultiBit, a client for Bitcoin. Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project and author of numerous contributions on the subject of Free Software, is one of the speakers this year. The American economist and publicist Max Keizer was also able to be won over for the Bitcoin Conference in London. But not all experts can visit the events, some of them actively conduct their work on the Internet, and one of them is Martin Lewis.
The hacker Denis, who has been active for many years, wants nothing less than a global shift in power through the use of Bitcoins Lecture Rojo. The founder or author of FreeJ, MuSE and Freecoin would like to show how and why Bitcoin in particular fits into this world as a means of payment.
The event takes place in the Imperial in London. The first 100 tickets can be purchased for 40 EUR, of course payable in Bitcoin. The venue was chosen because London is one of the most important financial centers in the world and the organizers hope it will attract more attention to Bitcoin. This year, a so-called hackathon is to take place in advance, in the context of which the participants will be given the opportunity to tackle joint projects and promote exchange among each other.